~courtesy of The Scranton Journal
2019 was another busy year at the Scranton Community Center. In addition to the facility being used 318 days, major improvements were made thanks to grant funds and fundraising efforts.
Improvements included the replacement of the roof on the second floor and the installation of gutters. Exterior tuck pointing was completed.
Eight round tables and 170 black folding chairs were purchased for use at events.
Flat rate agreements were established for Scranton Manufacturing and Play4Him.
There were 880 volunteer hours donated to the operation. Providing the bulk of the work was Dawn Rudolph with 680 hours and 200 hours provided by additional volunteers including Delores Gibson, Doug Hawn, Jerry Boyd, Carol Eason, Amy Christian, Bill Taggart, Noah Cornell, Lisa Dankel, Kim Linde, Jeanie Gustoff, Ellie Umbaugh, Autumn Villebro, and Lorrie and Gale Zellweger.
Serving on the Community Center advisory board are Rudolph, Hawn, Amy Christian, Carol Eason, Bill Taggart and mayor Cole Gustoff.
Most appreciative of the air conditioning of the facility were the guests attending the Scranton Sesquicentennial on the hottest day of the year – Saturday, June 29.
The location was utilized 200 times as the Greene County Schools bus stop. There were three middle school basketball games and two volleyball matches played in Scranton.
Play4Him is a big user for basketball (174), volleyball (45), pitching (25) and tournament (2). Scranton Manufacturing / New Way also utilized the facility seven times.
There were 28 private and business rentals, most for the community room (16) and community room / kitchen (6). There were also six rentals for the community room / gym.
Other uses of the Community Center included: Scranton Alumni / Betterment soup supper / 6-on-6 basketball game, two elections, two 4-H meetings, two BINGO games, and Greene County public health twice.
Additional users were Break the Cycle – bike ride break, Community Center garage sale fund raiser, alumni meeting, Scranton Fishing Day, Memorial Day services, countywide 4-H basketball tournament, Scranton sesquicentennial, Scranton community fundraiser and APE spay/neuter clinic.
The park and rec committee usage featured walking, 6-on-6 basketball, line dancing and dodgeball.
Grant writing is on-going with more improvements planned when funding is available.
Persons who want rental information can call Scranton city hall at 712-652-3888.